PASS Elections 2011 and a Suggestion


The Professional Association for SQL Server (PASS) election cycle has started for 2011. You can read all about it here. This year there are two elections as three members of the Nominations Committee (NomCom) will be elected first. These three NomCom members will serve alongside a PASS Board member and former PASS President Wayne Snyder. I’m not sure who determines the qualifications of the applicants for the Nominations Committee election; but the applications are screened first and the PASS Board of Directors approves the slate of NomCom applicants before the membership is allowed to vote for them.

As in years past, I plan to blog about the PASS Board Elections 2011. I hope to interview applicants and candidates as the process progresses.


There are four sections to the site at the time of this writing:


The timeline is available here, but reprinted below for your convenience:

Nom Com Elections

August 10
Applications open

August 19
Applications close

August 22
Applicants notified

August 24
Campaigning and voting begin; forums open

September 9
Voting closes

September 14
Candidates notified and sent information package on Board elections

September 16
Initial meeting of NomCom

September 24
Approval of completed Board election questions

September 29
NomCom review of Board election application form

Board of Directors Election

October 1
Announce Board election; forums open

October 5
Board applications open; NomCom given interview block options

October 19
Board applications close

October 20
NomCom meeting; final interview blocks determined

October 26
Candidate rankings due to PASS HQ

November 1
Candidate interviews scheduled

November 2
Candidate interviews begin

November 16
Candidate interviews end; NomCom finalizes slate

November 18
Candidates notified of ranking

November 22
Candidates’ opt-out deadline

November 30
Campaign materials due to PASS HQ

December 6
Campaigning and voting opens

December 20
Campaigning and voting closes

December 27
Candidates notified of election results

December 28
Election results announced

A Suggestion

Andy Warren (Blog | @sqlAndy | SQLPeople) wrote PASS Update #61 a couple days ago. In it, he mentioned the PASS Board meeting in Ft. Lauderdale this week and some items he wanted to discuss. One bullet point in particular caught my eye, Measuring Satisfaction:

I think we should be polling our members once a year to see if they believe we are moving in the right direction. We should be polling our Board to see if they are finding the role to be fulfilling, and to see if they get the appropriate levels of support from within the Board and HQ. We should poll HQ too, because we want them to be successful, and we should also poll employees that leave.

I like this idea. I think member feedback is important in any community but I’m not sure many agree.

I want to know how you feel about it. What do you think of Andy’s suggestion?


In anticipation of several posts regarding this year’s PASS Board Elections, I have created a landing page with links to my posts on the topic.


Andy Leonard

Christian, husband, dad, grandpa, Data Philosopher, Data Engineer, Azure Data Factory, SSIS guy, and farmer. I was cloud before cloud was cool. :{>

3 thoughts on “PASS Elections 2011 and a Suggestion

  1. Right… so you’re asking for feedback on whether we should be asked feedback or not.
    I’m guessing that if we say ‘no’, it develops a paradoxial situation that can only be resolved by someone going back in time and stopping the decision being made…?

  2. The Godfather of SQL (Andy W) speaks with wisdom. Yes, we really do need more feedback at all levels. I think we have all seen that PASS struggles with getting enough communication to happen.

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