The months of anticipation and waiting are over, the new and updated Biml products are here! Woo hoo!
BimlExpress is still a free SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) plugin. As BimlHero Cathrine Wilhelmsen points out in her post titled New Release: BimlExpress 2017!:
“The new installer is a lightweight VSIX (Visual Studio Extension) Installer.”
The coolest feature of BimlExpress 2017 has to be the Preview Pane. BimlHero Ben Weissman broke the news about the BimlExpress Preview Pane in his post titled Preview Pane in BimlExpress 2017. Ben writes:
“Another awesome new feature in BimlExpress 2017 is the preview pane! This means, you can now see the Biml code without going through detours like writing the RootNode to a Textfile!”
And he’s right – this is an awesome feature!
BimlStudio 2017
BimlStudio 2017 is the re-branded Biml professional integrated development environment (or, the artist formerly known as Mist). There are too many cool new features to enumerate here, go read the 10-page Change Log!
BimlFlex is a Biml Framework that enables rapid development of fully-functional data warehouse solutions. From the site:
“BimlFlex is a collection of templates, metadata definitions, and tooling that enables you to build an end-to-end data solution without ever writing a single line of code. “
That, friends, is awesome.
Happy Biml Release Day!