Update: Please be sure to read Building Custom Tasks for SSIS Second Edition Errata, Chapters 1-9 for important updates to the demo code.
I am honored, humbled, and excited to announce the release of Building Custom Tasks for SQL Server Integration Services, 2nd Edition!
In the first edition of this book, the demo task is the Execute Catalog Package Task, or ECPT. I can hear you thinking,…
“Andy, doesn’t SSIS ship with an Execute Package Task already?”
Yes. Yes it does.
“So why build a new one?”
That’s an excellent question. I’m so glad you asked!
The Execute Package Task that ships with SSIS permits SSIS developers to execute another SSIS package. The “calling” package is often referred to as the “parent” and the “called” package is often referred to as the “child.” To paraphrase Henry Ford, you can call any SSIS package you want, as long as the SSIS package you want to call is in the same SSIS project.
ECPT permits calling an SSIS package in any SSIS project.
ECPT permits calling an SSIS package in any SSIS project in any SSIS Folder.
ECPT permits calling an SSIS package in any SSIS project in any SSIS Folder on any SSIS Catalog.
ECPT permits calling an SSIS package deployed to Azure SSIS Integration Runtime Catalogs that are part of Azure Data Factory.
You may use ECPT to execute SSIS packages deployed to on-premises SSIS Catalogs.
You may use ECPT to execute SSIS packages deployed to Azure-SSIS IR Catalogs.
An on-premises parent package can actually execute SSIS packages stored in both on-premises and Azure-SSIS IR Catalogs.
A parent package deployed to an Azure-SSIS IR may execute SSIS packages in that Azure-SSIS IR.
I forgot to mention one important part: The book covers how to create an MSI installer for the ECPT for distribution onto other on-premises SSIS servers, and then how to deploy the ECPT to Azure-SSIS nodes.
In the second edition, I converted the VB code to C#, and then expanded the editor development to include (what I describe as) a more “SSIS-y” editor.
Catch Me On The ‘Tube
YouTube, that is.
In coming weeks, I will be demonstrating the code in the book.
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The SSIS Catalog will change.
When the SSIS Catalog changes, the code in this book will break.
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Readers of the first edition built some really cool custom SSIS tasks! I’m excited to see what you build next!