Recently, I attempted to update the Networking for an Azure SQL Server I use when delivering training. Specifically, I was attempting to set “Public network access” to “Selected networks,” add my client IP, and check the “Allow Azure services and resources to access this server” checkbox – found on the Networking blade for my new Azure server:
I configured all three settings clicked the “Save” button, and got the following error responses:
- Failed to update server exceptions
- Failed to update server firewall rules
“Read the Error Message, Andy”
Before I take off to solve an error, I say to myself, “Read the error message, Andy.” Well, most of the time I say this to myself. My first instinct is to always imagine what must be causing the error, and take off to solve what I’ve dreamed up.
I rarely dream up the correct error.
If I do not know what the actual error is, I do not know the answer to a very important question:
“What is the problem we are trying to solve?” – Bennett McEwan, circa 2008
Reading the first error message gives me this clue:
“Unable to create or modify firewall rules when public network interface for the server is disabled. To manage server or database level firewall rules, please enable the public network interface.” My goodness. It not only tells me what’s failing, the error message informs me how to fix it!
Starting at the Beginning
If I didn’t have such an awesome error message, or if I had not bothered to read it, I would need to think through the issue.
The Networking blade did not appear as shown in the first image until I clicked the “Selected networks” option for the “Public network access” property. In fact, the Networking blade appeared as shown below until I clicked the “Selected networks” option:
No other networking configuration options appeared until after setting the “Public network access” property, so I first set the “Public network access” property to “Selected networks” and then saved that setting all by itself:
Next, I configured both the “client IP” firewall rule and the “Allow Azure services…” exception:
When I clicked the save button:
Success, and then more Success!
I can configure additional settings on the Networking blade after I’ve changed the “Public networking access” property and applied the change. Before applying the change, I get errors.
You’ve probably already figured this out and are thinking, “Andy, you’re an idiot!” You may be completely right; I’m sure you are right at least some of the time. Reading the error message is a good rule, for me, at least. Here’s hoping this post helps someone.
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