Less Useful Soft Skills


This post is the fifty-sixth part of a ramble-rant about the software business. The current posts in this series can be found on the series landing page.

Over a career that spans decades, one encounters useful and “less useful” soft skills in the modern enterprise. I thought I would share a few of the less useful variety:

Free Advice

If someone asks another for advice, that’s a cool compliment. The person asking has seen something that compels them to seek information about how-another-does-or-sees-things. That’s different from someone offering unsolicited advice. Way different. In the first case, the individual asking is open to receive advice. This is often not the case with unsolicited advice.

Anti-anti-pattern: Offer advice when asked.


Best practices, formatting, case and capitalization are all excellent tools for assisting a developer to represent, support, and facilitate their thoughts and thought processes… until the attempted transfer to another developer. I hope you are seated before you read this next line: Not everyone thinks like you. (I know!) Moreover, not everyone wants to think like you. </shocker>. Others think in ways that facilitate their code development style. Their documentation – or lack thereof – is there (or not) because of their coding style. Some wait until the end of a development to begin code optimization (this is a recommended best practice, by the way) instead of optimizing each code fragment.

Everyone – and I mean everyone – has a preferred method for representing code. I hear you thinking, “But their way doesn’t work for me.” It’s. not. supposed. to. work. for. you. It’s supposed to work for them. Different != wrong.

Anti-anti-pattern: Allow others to code in their style. If they observe your coding style and want your advice… see the section on free advice.

Destructive Competition

Wanting to be a better developer is a good thing. Wanting to be better than the developer in the next cubicle is not a good thing. The collective IQ of a team is greater than the collected IQs of the team members. Why? Synergy is the great entropy-buster, spawning positive cycles as team members interact – sans retentiveness. Synergy works best with a dash of humility, and humility facilitates an environment where team members freely seek the advice of each other. Communicating you are the smartest person on the team accomplishes the opposite: striking lines of communication, binding synergy, and destroying the cooperation that would induce a positive cycle. (This is why Performance-Based Management Stinks.)

Anti-anti-pattern: Before acting or speaking ask yourself, “Will this help?” If the answer is not, “Yes, this will help,” don’t act or speak.


Andy Leonard


Christian, husband, dad, grandpa, Data Philosopher, Data Engineer, Azure Data Factory, SSIS guy, and farmer. I was cloud before cloud was cool. :{>


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