I am honored to deliver a full day pre-conference session at the PASS Data Community Summit 2022!
My precon is titled “A Day of Azure Data Factory.”
In this session we provision an Azure Data Factory (ADF) and demonstrate many uses for ADF in the modern data enterprise, including:
– Version control integration
– Copying data with the copy data activity
– Parameters and use cases for parameterization
– Metadata and design patterns
– Design patterns for the hybrid data estate
– Loading data from on-premises data sources
– Editing JSON
– Newer activities such as script, fail
– Debugging and troubleshooting pipelines
– Looping, iteration, and conditionals
– Monitoring
– Execution frameworks
– Provisioning and using an Azure-SSIS integration runtime
– Provisioning and using a self-hosted integration runtime
– Mapping data flows
– Azure Synapse Analytics (comparison and contrast)
I hope to see you there!