Announcing Data Engineering Fridays!

I’m excited to announce Data Engineering Fridays! I can hear some of you thinking, … “What are Data Engineering Fridays, Andy?” That’s an awesome question! I’m glad you asked. Data Engineering Fridays is a weekly stream, between 24 May and 23 Aug 2024, in which I lead a discussion about data engineering-related topics. The 24 …
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Join Me at the PASS Data Community Summit 2023!

I am honored to deliver Designing an Execution Framework for Azure Data Factory at the PASS Data Community Summit 2023 in Seattle Washington 15 Nov 2023 at 3:15 PM PT in room 6C! From the Abstract If your enterprise manages dozens of ADF pipelines, an execution framework is unnecessary overhead. If your enterprise manages thousands …
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Build a Get-Subscription ADF Pipeline Using Pipeline Return Value Course Now Available

I am excited to announce the availability of Build a Get-Subscription ADF Pipeline Using Pipeline Return Value, a new Azure QuickStart course! Access the new course – along with all my recorded training for one year – by subscribing to Premium Level. Additional access options include: Azure QuickStart Premium – Access all Azure QuickStart training …
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Presenting Introduction to ADF at Hampton Roads Azure Users Group at 6:00 PM 10 Oct 2023!

I am honored to present Introduction to ADF at Hampton Roads Azure Users Group at 6:00 PM 10 Oct 2023! I’ll be there live and in-person. Abstract Azure Data Factory – ADF – is a cloud data engineering solution. ADF version 2 sports a snappy web GUI (graphical user interface) and supports the SSIS Integration …
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Return a Value from an ADF Pipeline Course Now Available

I am excited to announce the availability of Return a Value from an ADF Pipeline, a new Azure QuickStart course! Access the new course – along with all my recorded training for one year – by subscribing to Premium Level. Additional access options include: Azure QuickStart Premium – Access all Azure QuickStart training plus Premium …
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Deploy an SSIS Project to an ADF Azure-SSIS IR Course Now Available

I am excited to announce the availability of Deploy an SSIS Project to an ADF Azure-SSIS IR, a new Azure QuickStart course! Access the new course – along with all my recorded training for one year – by subscribing to Premium Level. Additional access options include: Azure QuickStart Premium – Access all Azure QuickStart training …
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Build a Pipeline to Stop an ADF Azure-SSIS IR Course Now Available

I am excited to announce the availability of Build a Pipeline to Stop an ADF Azure-SSIS IR, a new Azure QuickStart course! Access the new course – along with all my recorded training for one year – by subscribing to Premium Level. Additional access options include: Azure QuickStart Premium – Access all Azure QuickStart training …
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Failed Get Parameter Info Error in Azure-SSIS

Have you encountered this error: “Failed Get Parameter Info of parameter ____”? I ran into this error a couple times while consulting for a client to lift and shift SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) to Azure Data Factory (ADF). The Most Likely Fix Make sure the Azure-SSIS integration runtime is running: Launch Azure Data Factory …
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How to Get ADF to List Available Properties

Did you know Azure Data Factory (ADF) will actually list available properties? It will. One of the things I cover in my ADF training titled Master the Fundamentals of Azure Data Factory is this handy troubleshooting tip. An Error I am attempting to read the status of a pipeline execution using a call to the ADF …
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ADF Activity State Property Disables Pipeline Activities

Update: Chenye Charlie Zhu has posted an excellent article about this new functionality over at the Microsoft ADF blog! It’s titled Comment Out Part of Pipeline. Part of one of my consulting gigs is helping a client lift and shift SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) to Azure Data Factory (ADF). While developing some test pipelines …
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