I am honored to present A Day of Azure Data Factory at SQL Saturday Atlanta 2023 – BI & Data Analytics Edition (#1042) 24 Feb 2023!
In this session we provision an Azure Data Factory (ADF) and demonstrate many uses for ADF in the modern data enterprise, including:
- Editing ADF pipeline JSON
- Version control integration
- Copying data with the copy data activity
- Parameters and use cases for parameterization (dynamic property values and expressions)
- Design patterns for the hybrid data estate
- Loading data from an on-premises data source
- Survey newer activities
- Debugging and troubleshooting ADF pipelines
- Looping, iteration, and conditionals
- Monitoring
- Execution automation (triggers + )
- security required to interact with Azure Blob Storage, Azure SQL DB, REST API, integration runtimes, git, and on-premises (plus Key Vault)
- Provisioning and using integration runtimes
Register today. SQL Saturday Atlanta 2023 – BI & Data Analytics Edition (#1042) is free but there are a limited number of seats available. The event historically sells out sooner rather than later and begins placing folks on the Wait List.
I hope to see you there!