Frank and I are excited to announce the launch of Data Driven Media, a service that shares behind-the-scenes video of Data Driven podcast episodes!
The videos are not edited and some (a small number) contain profanity. One video is labeled “[Language warning]” because our guest communicates using profanity more than other guests. I promise we’re not judging. We’re informing our listeners so you can decide which videos to enjoy in family or more public settings.
I can hear some of you thinking…
“Why Sign Up, Andy?”
More than a few Data Driven podcast listeners have requested video of our interviews over the years. We’ve been listening. Promise. But we lacked a platform we felt would be low-enough-maintenance. Why is low maintenance such an important consideration? We did not want to charge users more than we felt access to the content is worth. We found a platform and we’re giving it a test (data) drive (see what I did there?).
There is a 7-day free trial and a 20% promotional discount available for the first 99 subscribers who use the code DDMSTART.
We hope you enjoy the videos. A few of the videos are shows for which Data Driven podcast episodes have not yet been released.
Because this is a subscription service and our viewers are paying us, Frank and I are going to work hard to make new videos available before the audio podcast is released. We cannot promise this will always be the case due to production schedules – which are mostly within our control – and other factors that we do not control at all.
Releasing videos early is our goal.
A Sampling of the Videos

Sign up today and enjoy!