Data Driven Media Launches!

Frank and I are excited to announce the launch of Data Driven Media, a service that shares behind-the-scenes video of Data Driven podcast episodes!

The videos are not edited and some (a small number) contain profanity. One video is labeled “[Language warning]” because our guest communicates using profanity more than other guests. I promise we’re not judging. We’re informing our listeners so you can decide which videos to enjoy in family or more public settings.

I can hear some of you thinking…

“Why Sign Up, Andy?”

More than a few Data Driven podcast listeners have requested video of our interviews over the years. We’ve been listening. Promise. But we lacked a  platform we felt would be low-enough-maintenance. Why is low maintenance such an important consideration? We did not want to charge users more than we felt access to the content is worth. We found a platform and we’re giving it a test (data) drive (see what I did there?).

There is a 7-day free trial and a 20% promotional discount available for the first 99 subscribers who use the code DDMSTART.


We hope you enjoy the videos. A few of the videos are shows for which Data Driven podcast episodes have not yet been released.

Because this is a subscription service and our viewers are paying us, Frank and I are going to work hard to make new videos available before the audio podcast is released. We cannot promise this will always be the case due to production schedules – which are mostly within our control – and other factors that we do not control at all.

Releasing videos early is our goal.

A Sampling of the Videos

Lauren Maffeo on Data Governance from the ground up.
Adam Ross Nelson helps people get started in Data Science.
Steve Orrin, CTO of Intel Federal.
Saket Saurabh on Data Engineering.
JB Benjamin, CEO and Founder of Kryotech Ltd. [Language warning]
An intriguing discussion about data, security, and Advanced Persistent threats with fellow podcasters Patrick Hynds and Duane Laflotte.
A fascinating conversation with Nickolas Means, the VP of software development at Sym. Nickolas shares his insights on software engineering, data liability, and of course, good coffee.

Sign up today and enjoy!


Andy Leonard

Christian, husband, dad, grandpa, Data Philosopher, Data Engineer, Azure Data Factory, SSIS guy, and farmer. I was cloud before cloud was cool. :{>


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