T-SQL Tuesday #175: Old Tech, New Tech, Bold Tech, Blue Tech

Update: Check out the T-SQL Tuesday #175 Roundup! Microsoft Build 2024 was just last month (at the time of this writing) and the sheer number of announcements is almost overwhelming! You can read about the announcements from the Build Book of News and view selected sessions online. I am honored to host this month’s T-SQL …
Continue reading T-SQL Tuesday #175: Old Tech, New Tech, Bold Tech, Blue Tech

#TSQL2sday Has AI Helped you with your SQL Server Job?

This month’s T-SQL Tuesday is hosted by my friend and brother from another mother, Pinal Dave. My job title is Chief Data Engineer for Enterprise Data & Analytics and Enterprise Data & AI. So, “Has AI Helped you with your SQL Server Job?” In a word, yes. I can hear some of you thinking, … …
Continue reading #TSQL2sday Has AI Helped you with your SQL Server Job?