#TSQL2sday Has AI Helped you with your SQL Server Job?

This month’s T-SQL Tuesday is hosted by my friend and brother from another mother, Pinal Dave. My job title is Chief Data Engineer for Enterprise Data & Analytics and Enterprise Data & AI. So, “Has AI Helped you with your SQL Server Job?” In a word, yes. I can hear some of you thinking, … …
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Rarely Say Never

Years ago, I responded privately to my brother and friend, Buck Woody (@BuckWoodyMSFT | LinkedIn) when he shared (excellent) advice about when to shrink a SQL Server database (spoiler alert: rarely). I asked Buck, “If shrinking a SQL Server database is nearly always bad, why not remove the feature from SQL Server?” (paraphrased). Buck’s response …
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Enterprise Data & Analytics Welcomes Shannon Lowder!

I am honored and thrilled to welcome Shannon Lowder (@shannonlowder | blog | LinkedIn) to the Enterprise Data & Analytics team! Shannon is a data engineer, data scientist, BimlHero (though not listed on the page at the time of this writing), and shepherd of the Biml Interrogator open source project. If you use Biml to generate SSIS …
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