I am honored to co-present a full-day post-conference workshop – Intelligent Data Integration with SSIS and Azure Data Factory – with Sandy Winarko, Principal Program Manager at Microsoft – Azure Data Governance, Cloud & Artificial Intelligence (AI), at Difinity 2020 in New Zealand!

Full Day Workshop
Level: 300
Post-Conference: 20th of Feb 2020
This session focuses on the all Platform as a Service (PaaS) solution of Azure SQL DB/Managed Instance (MI) + SSIS in Azure Data Factory (ADF) to lift & shift, modernize, and extend ETL workflows. We will first show you how to provision Azure-SSIS Integration Runtime (IR) – dedicated ADF servers for running SSIS – with SSIS catalog (SSISDB) hosted by Azure SQL DB/MI, configure it to access data on premises using Windows authentication and Virtual Network injection, and extend it with custom/Open Source/3rd party components.
You can then use the familiar SSDT/SSMS tools to deploy/execute/manage your packages in the cloud just like you do on premises. We will next show you how to modernize your ETL workflows by invoking/scheduling SSIS package executions as first-class activities in ADF pipelines and combining/chaining them with other activities, allowing you to leverage ADF connectors (+80), connect using Azure Active Directory authentication, store secrets in Azure Key Vault, automatically (de)provision SSIS IR just in time, and splice advanced transformations, such as Power Query Source, Data Quality Components, etc.
I hope to see you there!