Frank and I are on Day 5 of 1,000 days, a new thing we started 02 Nov 2021 to remind us time is not fungible and we should build – and stick to – systems of execution.
This morning I popped on for a few minutes to (again) share information about Enterprise Data & Analytics‘ commercial SSIS Frameworks and SSIS Framework Manager, which is coming along nicely (especially since I started working on it again!). It’s all part of the Data Integration Lifecycle Management Suite which consists of a bunch of mostly-free utilities, and about half the free stuff is open source. Check it out.
As I am apt to do on the weekend, I am starting a longer streaming session where I will dive deeper into the SSIS Framework Manager testing and debugging. Join me and watch me tinker with features. Ask questions. Engage! It should be fun.
Links from Today’s Stream:
- Data Integration Lifecycle Management Suite (dilmsuite.com)
- SSIS Framework Manager is part of the DILM Suite.