Scheduling and Monitoring a Fabric Data Factory Pipeline Execution

The more I work with Microsoft Fabric Data Factory, the more I like it.

In this post, I share one way to schedule a Microsoft Fabric Data Factory pipeline, a different way to test execute a pipeline, and then one way to monitor the execution.

Schedule a Pipeline

Connect to Microsoft Fabric Data Factory and open a pipeline. When the pipeline opens, click the Schedule button on the menu:

The data pipeline blade displays the Schedule blade (1).

I configured the following schedule properties / values:

  1. Scheduled run: On
  2. Repeat: Daily
  3. Time: 06:01 AM
  4. Start data and time: 03/01/2024
  5. End date and time: 03/01/2034
  6. Click the Apply button:

Note: the Apply button is disabled unless all properties are configured. This surprised me with the End date and time property. I expected I would be allowed to leave this property unconfigured and that this state would represent “run forever” or “Run until I set the Scheduled run property (2) to “Off.”

A Different Way to Execute a Pipeline

If I click the Run button on the blade pictured in the preceding image…

…the “Run succeeded” message displays immediately:

Monitoring a Pipeline Execution

Microsoft Fabric Data Factory includes a “Monitoring hub” (1) which surfaces sortable execution log data, for example:

  1. Activity name: the name of the executed pipeline in this case
  2. Status: may be Succeeded, Failed, Not started, In progress, etc.
  3. Start time: the time and date the execution operation started:

To view pipeline execution details:

  1. Click the ellipsis on the pipeline execution row
  2. Click “View detail” on the dropdown:

The Details blade displays. To view pipeline run details, click the Pipeline run ID link:

Pipeline run details display:


In this post, I shared one way to schedule a Microsoft Fabric Data Factory pipeline, a different way to test execute a pipeline, and then one way to monitor the execution.

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Andy Leonard

Christian, husband, dad, grandpa, Data Philosopher, Data Engineer, Azure Data Factory, SSIS guy, and farmer. I was cloud before cloud was cool. :{>

One thought on “Scheduling and Monitoring a Fabric Data Factory Pipeline Execution

  1. Hi Andy,

    Hope you are doing great. Could you please suggest, if we can schedule parametrized pipeline?
    Under this as a variable we want to pass file names.


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