I am honored to deliver my brand-spanking-new full day pre-conference titled From Zero to ADF at SQL Saturday Atlanta – BI Edition 18 Oct 2019! (It still has that new precon smell!) My precon will be delivered at:
Microsoft Avalon
8000 Avalon Boulevard
Suite 900
Alpharetta, GA 30009
From Zero to ADF is designed to jumpstart data engineering and data integration developers, introducing them to Azure Data Factory (ADF). ADF is a cloud data engineering and data integration platform designed to orchestrate data-related activities and move data between sources and sinks in the cloud, on-premises, and combinations thereof.
Lesson 0: Introduction
Lesson 1: Provision a Data Factory
• Examine Azure Portal
• Survey ADF artifacts
• Create Your First ADF Pipeline
Lesson 2: Basic Data Movement
• Copy Data Activity
• Delete Activity
• Stored Procedure Activity
Lesson 3: Pipeline Orchestration
• Conditional, Lookup, ForEach Activities
• Debugging
• Triggers
Lesson 4: Monitoring
• ADF Portal
• Azure Monitor
Lesson 5: Azure-SSIS
• Provision Azure-SSIS instance
• Lifting and shifting on-premises SSIS to Azure-SSIS
Lesson 6: Enterprise ADF Execution Patterns
• Leveraging the Parent-Child design pattern.
Lesson 7: Introduction to Mapping Data Flows