I was sad to read the announcement of the retirement of the Microsoft Professional Program, I’m still sad about it because it was a good program. Print Your Certificates If you have completed your MPP courses or tracks, please save/print certificates by December 31, 2019. https://academy.microsoft.com/en-us/professional-program/ According to the website, you should save and / or …
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It Costs Precisely $0.00USD to be Nice
Be nice. We all have bad days. I know I do. It seems like I get interrupted about 1,000 times more when I’m busy than when I’m not busy. Why is that? Is it some vast universal conspiracy to rob me of productive work? Is it all in my head? I am not sure. One …
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Completed: Microsoft Big Data Professional Program Capstone Project
I’m excited to announce that I’ve completed – with help from my friend and brother and co-host of the Data Driven podcast, Frank La Vigne (Blog | @Tableteer) – the Microsoft Big Data Professional Program Capstone project! The capstone is the last course requirement (of 10 courses) to complete the Microsoft Professional Program in Big …
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The Recording for The Value Proposition of Certifications Webinar is Now Available
Penny Trupe and I discuss the career value of certifications.
Three Presentations With Penny Trupe
I’m excited to deliver three presentations next week with my co-worker and daughter, Penny Trupe! On Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday (19, 20, and 21 Mar) we are presenting the following 30-minute sessions at noon ET: Young Moms in Technology Beginning SSIS in Practice The Value Proposition of Certifications Click the links above to learn more. …
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