Some Frank Thoughts About Newsletters

“We need to talk.” Actually, we don’t need to talk, but I would like to share some thoughts about newsletters and managing privacy, especially the privacy of email addresses. I Encourage You to Unsubscribe I can hear some of you thinking, “Wait, Andy. You send out newsletters and you’re encouraging your readers to unsubscribe?” Yep. I’m only …
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Laid Off? Or the Beginning of Your Next Opportunity?

Updates: The “opp23” limited-time offer has expired. I may make similar offers in the future. The best way to learn of offers from me is to subscribe to my mailing list and check the checkbox labeled “I would like to receive more information about products, services, events, communications, and offers.” If you signed up for …
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My 2023 Presentation Schedule

I am presenting! Here’s a partial list of upcoming events at which I am honored and privileged to present: 14 Mar 2023 – SQLBits 2023 – A Day of Azure Data Factory Training Day (full-day) – International Convention Centre, Celtic Manor, Newport, Wales 25 Feb 2023 – SQL Saturday Atlanta 2023 – BI & Data …
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AndyStream for 11 Nov 2021

Frank and I are on Day 8 of 1,000 days, a new thing we started 02 Nov 2021 to remind us time is not fungible and we should build – and stick to – atomic habits and systems of execution. This morning I popped on for a few minutes to thank our veterans and share …
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AndyStream for 9 Nov 2021

Frank and I are on Day 7 of 1,000 days, a new thing we started 02 Nov 2021 to remind us time is not fungible and we should build – and stick to – atomic habits and systems of execution. This morning I popped on for a few minutes to share information about the PASS …
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Why I Rarely Criticize

First, I do criticize. Sometimes I criticize publicly. Please realize my public criticism follows a series of events that has involved private criticism. In Business Some criticism in business is comparison. Other criticism is competition. I recently learned about “negative SEO.” I must admit, my reaction was part horror and part nausea. “Why would anyone …
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Wrapping Up 2020

It’s that time of year again; that time when bloggers and others share their thoughts about the year that was and the year to come. “2020 was ____.” I complete this sentence three ways, listed below. Feel free to add your thoughts in the comments. “Different” …is the first word that leaps to mind. The …
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In 2020, Two Full Training Days, Two Continents

It dawned on me that I am honored to deliver two full-day conference training presentations in early 2020 on two continents! At the Difinity 2020 conference in Auckland New Zealand, Sandy Winarko and I are co-presenting Intelligent Data Integration with SSIS and Azure Data Factory 20 Feb 2020. Sandy is Principal Program Manager – Azure …
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Anders Schneiderman on Changing the World

Earlier this year, Frank (@Tableteer) and I had the honor of interviewing Anders Schneiderman (LinkedIn) on Data Driven. The episode is now live and titled Anders Schneiderman on Why We Need to Prepare Communities for the Future of Work. Anders has a plan to help people leverage emerging technology to transform their destiny. Anders’ plan …
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The Space Between

It happened again this weekend. After delivering my presentation titled “Moving Data with Azure Data Factory,” at SQL Saturday – Raleigh (which was awesome, by the way!) – one of the handful who stood because the seats were filled (I am humbled) approached and said, “I read your blog. How do you find time to …
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