Learning for Free

I’ve been blogging lately about training and certifications and it’s generated a fair amount of questions. One question is: “How much does certification cost?” Well, some of it is free. A surprising amount is free, in fact. Biml Academy offers several hours of free training, for example. YouTube is chock-full of learning opportunities. The quality of training …
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Writing about Apache Storm Stirs Up a Storm

A storm is coming… I’ve been spending some time learning other data integration and analytics open-source-y stuff. Perhaps you’ve noticed recent blog posts like: Apache Storm Stream Processing in Azure HDInsight Achievement Unlocked: Certified in Implementing Predictive Analytics with Spark in Azure HDInsight Achievement Unlocked: Completed Processing Big Data in Hadoop with Azure HDInsight If …
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I Need Some Updates

As I type, 2017 is drawing to a close. For many, this time of year is a time of reflection on the past year and planning for the coming year. I recently saw this Windows message in the corner of my screen and realized, “You’re right, Windows. I do need some updates.” I’m not big …
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Achievement Unlocked: Completed Processing Big Data in Hadoop with Azure HDInsight

I love learning! As Buck Woody (@BuckWoodyMSFT) mentioned in his post titled Don’t learn to be a Data Scientist, one should continuously learn – especially in this field. I’m happy to announce I just earned a certificate for DAT202.1x: Processing Big Data with Hadoop in Azure HDInsight! I’m slowly working my way through the Data Science …
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Just Ship

Last week I attended the PASS Summit 2017. Almost every time I’m around that many geeks, I’m asked a question. In fact, I’d say this is the most frequently asked question I hear. What’s the question? “How do you get so much done?” My first response is half-joking, “Insomnia.” I don’t believe I suffer from …
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The Second-Best Time

I recently returned from the PASS Summit 2017 where I had an awesome time hanging out with members of the SQL Server Community, learning, and presenting. Attending a conference inspires a bunch of ideas. If you’re like me,  you might kick yourself and think, “Why didn’t I think of that sooner?!” If I had a time …
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Immersion Event on Learning SSIS – May 2018!

I am honored to partner with the awesome team at SQLSkills to deliver IESSIS1: Immersion Event on Learning SQL Server Integration Services in person in Chicago 7-11 May 2018! Click here to register! Here’s what I’ll be covering: Module 1: Introduction In the introduction we share information about the instructor, course flow, and content, and gather …
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A Note About Delivering Content For Brent Ozar

I recently had the honor and privilege of delivering ExpertSSIS training in cooperation with Brent Ozar Unlimited. Brent believes people want to learn technology from folks who: Are willing to share their knowledge on their personal or professional blog; Work in the field with the technology – perhaps even own a company that provides consulting …
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(Some of) Why We Do What We Do, an Opinion

I encounter different personalities in the Technology Communities to which I belong. I’m not merely a consumer, I contribute a different personality as well. I’ve been playing and working in technology since 1975. One thing I’ve learned is: people believe the things they believe for a reason. Or reasons. I can hear some of you …
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