Build a Get-Subscription ADF Pipeline Using Pipeline Return Value Course Now Available

I am excited to announce the availability of Build a Get-Subscription ADF Pipeline Using Pipeline Return Value, a new Azure QuickStart course! Access the new course – along with all my recorded training for one year – by subscribing to Premium Level. Additional access options include: Azure QuickStart Premium – Access all Azure QuickStart training …
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One Complex Example of ADF Pipeline Return Value

This post is part of a short series on Azure Data Factory pipeline return value functionality, which is in preview at the time of this writing. The Problem I am Trying to Solve I want to develop an Azure Data Factory (ADF) design pattern for calling focused, unit-of-work, function-y ADF pipelines that perform focused tasks. …
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One Simple Example of ADF Pipeline Return Value

This post is part of a short series on Azure Data Factory pipeline return value functionality, which is in preview at the time of this writing. The Problem I am Trying to Solve I want to develop an Azure Data Factory (ADF) design pattern for calling focused, unit-of-work, function-y ADF pipelines that perform focused tasks. …
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ADF Pipeline Return Value Series

While delivering Azure Data factory (ADF) consulting for a client, I had the opportunity to develop some utility pipelines that used Pipeline return values functionality (in preview at the time of this writing). For me, this exercise was a two-step process, which I share in this series: One Simple Example of ADF Pipeline Return Value …
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