ETL Instrumentation: Logging SSIS Variable Values

During the December 2017 delivery of Expert SSIS, I was asked if there is an SSIS Catalog Logging Mode that will display the value of variables. I responded that I wasn’t aware of a logging level that accomplishes this, but then – as sometimes happens – I could not let it go. It isĀ an excellent …
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SSIS and Visual Studio Configurations

I got a great question from a student in the December delivery of Expert SSIS. A student asked, “Why wouldn’t you use Environments in Visual Studio (Dev, Test, and Prod), and deploy accordingly the mapped project parameters and package parameters?” I’ve looked into using SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT, or Visual Studio) configurations in the …
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Presenting A Day of Intelligent Data Integration in NYC 18 May!

I’m honored to present A Day of Intelligent Data Integration – a SQL Saturday NYC precon – 18 May! Description What is Intelligent Data Integration? SSIS packages developed using tried and true design patterns, built to participate in a DevOps enterprise practicing DILM, produced using Biml and executed using an SSIS Framework. Attend a day …
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SSIS Design Patterns: Sniffer (File Watcher)

Nutmeg, the Wonder Dog, Sniffing Have you seen the SSIS File Watcher demos where a developer puts an SSIS package in an infinite loop while it waits for a file to show up in a directory? It’s a popular pattern, especially when files are FTP’d (or SFTP’d) to enterprises for processing. I’ve seen way too …
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