Laid Off? Or the Beginning of Your Next Opportunity?

Updates: The “opp23” limited-time offer has expired. I may make similar offers in the future. The best way to learn of offers from me is to subscribe to my mailing list and check the checkbox labeled “I would like to receive more information about products, services, events, communications, and offers.” If you signed up for …
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Video-Follow-up on SSIS Framework Restartability

A couple days ago I delivered a short demonstration about SSIS Framework application restartability. I saw one thing I did not like – a bug – and I mentioned another bug I witnessed. Yesterday, Kent Bradshaw and I had another opportunity to work on the SSIS Framework code, so we fixed the glitches. Enjoy this …
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Install and Configure SSIS Framework File Community Edition

I recently released SSIS Framework File Community Edition. In this video, I walk through obtaining the code and deploying the components of this free and open-source solution. You can obtain the code at Note: I tried some new settings in OBS Studio. Let me know what you think! Enjoy! :{>

Join Me for LIVE Online SSIS and ADF Training 29 Nov – 1 Dec

It’s been a while since I delivered training live and online. Let’s fix that! Join me for Master the Fundamentals of ADF and Expert SSIS 29 Nov – 1 Dec.

SSIS Script Error: Cannot Load Script for Execution

If I had a nickel for every time I’ve encountered “Cannot load script for execution,” I’d have a lot of nickels. In this short (7:24) video, I demonstrate the issue and my fix: My Fix For me, the fix is almost always setting the SSIS project’s TargetServerVersion property to the proper version: “Andy, How Did …
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Stage Updates and Inserts for SSIS Data Flow Performance

A few days ago, I streamed SSIS Data Flow Performance, which you can view below (from LinkedIn) or by clicking the link to the YouTube recording: I share similar SSIS Design Patterns in my Expert SSIS course. I next deliver Expert SSIS 14-15 Dec 2020. Also, Expert SSIS is on sale for 50% off as part of my Cyber Monday Sale at the …
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