I am admittedly fascinated with large language models. I’ve been enamored with the idea of automated assistants since before the days of Microsoft Bob. The notion of a searchable, integrated, digital-life-spanning, automatable solution appealed to me. I can hear some of you thinking, “Why did it appeal to you, Andy?” I cannot articulate a rational answer …
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Scheduling and Monitoring a Fabric Data Factory Pipeline Execution
The more I work with Microsoft Fabric Data Factory, the more I like it. In this post, I share one way to schedule a Microsoft Fabric Data Factory pipeline, a different way to test execute a pipeline, and then one way to monitor the execution. Schedule a Pipeline Connect to Microsoft Fabric Data Factory and …
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Data Driven Media Launches!
Frank and I are excited to announce the launch of Data Driven Media, a service that shares behind-the-scenes video of Data Driven podcast episodes! The videos are not edited and some (a small number) contain profanity. One video is labeled “[Language warning]” because our guest communicates using profanity more than other guests. I promise we’re …
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Tinkering with Fabric Data Factory Framework Functionality
I recently asked myself, “Self, is it possible to apply framework functionality to Fabric Data Factory?” I decided to investigate. My first stop when tinkering with frameworks is the parent-child design pattern. You can view the livestream and watch me tinker in real time here. Enjoy! :{> Learn More! Azure QuickStart Premium includes access to …
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Change a Fabric Workspace Name
I admit, this functionality may not be as useful for you as it is to me. Why do I like it so much? Well, I tweeted about it: “Impending blog: Changing a #Fabric workspace name. I find this functionality cool because it allows me to build a demo to capture screenshots for the presentation, change …
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Fabric: Test-Driving the New Office 365 Outlook Data Factory Activity
In my last post titled Fabric: Load Data from a CSV File Stored in Azure Blob Storage to Azure SQL DB, I documented one way to create a pipeline to load data from a CSV file stored in Azure Blob Storage to an Azure SQL Database in a new Fabric workspace. In this post, I …
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A Procrastination Tale
Late in the evening of 30 Dec, the temperature in casa de Leonard began dropping. The thermostat continued to report a 68°F setting, our setting for cool-ish to downright cold evenings. When I first checked the in-house temperature a little after midnight, the current temperature read 64°F. By morning, the current temperature had dropped to …
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Fabric: Load Data from a CSV File Stored in Azure Blob Storage to Azure SQL DB
In November 2023, I shared how to start learning Microsoft Fabric in a post titled Start a Fabric Free Trial. In December 2023, I shared how to Create a Workspace in Fabric. In this post, I document one way to create a pipeline to load data from a CSV file stored in Azure Blob Storage to …
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Create a Workspace in Fabric
In November 2023, I shared how to start learning Microsoft Fabric in a post titled Start a Fabric Free Trial. Once your free trial is set up, one good next step is to create a Workspace. Begin by browsing to Fabric at app.fabric.microsoft.com: After logging in, select any of the available capabilities displayed on the …
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Save Money on Azure SQL DB
Regular readers of this blog know I am all about saving money. I’ve blogged about ways to set up inexpensive instances of Azure SQL DB. I recently learned a couple new ways to save even more money working with Azure SQL. Both methods begin the same: The Stuff in Common Begin by connecting to the Azure …
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