Coming Soon: SSIS Catalog Compare Updates

I spent a lot of time this year writing and managing a book project. I will blog about that later, I promise. While I enjoy writing it really cuts into my play time. What do I do when I play? I write software. This weekend I cracked open the code for SSIS Catalog Compare and …
Continue reading Coming Soon: SSIS Catalog Compare Updates

What is the DILM Suite? 2. SSIS Catalog Compare

SSIS Catalog Compare is really two products: SSIS Catalog Compare (GUI – graphical user interface) and CatCompare (CLI – command-line interface). This post will focus on GUI functionality as it’s easier to demonstrate. SSIS Catalog Compare provides the following functionality to enterprise Data Integration Lifecycle Management (DILM): Compares the contents of two SSIS Catalog instances. …
Continue reading What is the DILM Suite? 2. SSIS Catalog Compare