Building Custom Tasks for SSIS Second Edition Errata, Chapters 13-14

As I wrote in Building Custom Tasks for SSIS Second Edition Errata, Chapters 1-9: Things change. Things change in software. Things change regularly in software. If you take nothing else away from this post, please take those nuggets of wisdom. Last month, as I prepared to return to full-time consulting, I started feeling “better.” Prior to that …
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Building Custom Tasks for SSIS Second Edition Errata, Chapters 1-9

Things change. Things change in software. Things change regularly in software. If you take nothing else away from this post, please take those nuggets of wisdom. Last week, my latest book – titled Building Custom Tasks for SQL Server Integration Services: The Power of .NET for ETL for SQL Server 2019 and Beyond, (Second Edition) was …
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Wrapping Up 2020

It’s that time of year again; that time when bloggers and others share their thoughts about the year that was and the year to come. “2020 was ____.” I complete this sentence three ways, listed below. Feel free to add your thoughts in the comments. “Different” …is the first word that leaps to mind. The …
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Foreword – Building Custom Tasks for SSIS 2nd Edition

I’m excited to announce Building Custom Tasks for SQL Server Integration Services: The Power of .NET for ETL for SQL Server 2019 and Beyond 2nd Edition is available for pre-order at Amazon! I spent more time on this book and the demo task – the Execute Catalog Package Task – than any other book I’ve authored or …
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SQL Server Data Automation Through Frameworks is Available!

Kent Bradshaw and I are excited and honored to announce the release of our latest book, SQL Server Data Automation Through Frameworks: Building Metadata-Driven Frameworks with T-SQL, SSIS, and Azure Data Factory! Enjoy! :{> Need Help? Enterprise Data & Analytics delivers private training, can join your team to help implement your enterprise data warehouse solution, …
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On Over-Engineering…

Some who follow me on Twitch (you may follow me at – have seen me live-code the demo project for the second edition of Building Custom Tasks for SQL Server Integration Services (link to the first edition). The demo project is a custom task named Execute Catalog Package Task: While writing about parsing the …
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SQL Server Data Automation through Frameworks Book Available for Pre-Order

Although the cover image needs an update, my and Kent Bradshaw’s next book – titled “SQL Server Data Automation through Frameworks: Building Metadata-driven Frameworks with T-SQL, SSIS, and Azure Data Factory” is available for pre-order!

In the Beginning…

As I stated in the post titled Writing a Technical Book, “I am often asked for more information about writing a technical book.” In a follow-up post titled, One Way to Write a Technical Book, I state, [here] “I share details of my approach to writing a technical book.” People reading these posts have asked …
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