One Way to Add an Existing Data Factory to Github, Part 2

This is part of a series of posts. This post focuses on connecting an Azure Data Factory to a GitHub repository.

Connect ADF to GitHub Repository

Careful readers will note I change github accounts moving forward. I made the change so that I could accurately demonstrate creating a new account on (at the time of this writing). For the remainder of this post, I work in another existing account, aleonard763, instead of the account I created earlier, andyleonarddilm. The repository name remains LearnAzure.

Navigate to Azure Data Factory Studio, click Manage, select “Git configuration,” and then click the “Configure” button:

When the “Configure a repository” blade displays, select Github from the “repository type” dropdown:

Continue configuring the “Configure a repository” blade by entering the name of your github account in the “GitHub repository owner” textbox:

If you are prompted to do so, authorize Azure Data Factory to access github:

If authorization succeeds, select your repository from the “Repository name” dropdown:

Next, select the collaboration branch. For the purposes of this demo, I select the main branch:

For the purposes of this demo, accept the defaults for “Publish branch” and “Root folder.” Check the “Import existing resources to repository” checkbox under the “Import existing resource” property, select the main branch in the “Import resource into this branch” property, and then click the “Apply” button:

If all goes as planned, the “Configure a repository” blade will display settings similar to those shown below:

When you proceed, you will be prompted to select a working branch on the “Set working branch” blade. For the purposes of this demo, I select the main branch and then click the “Save” button:

The Azure Data Factory is now connected with github for source control.


This post focused on connecting an Azure Data Factory to a GitHub repository. The next post covers using Azure Data Factory with git.

Learn More

Join me Monday, 14 Nov 2022, for A Day of Azure Data Factory, a PASS Data Community Summit 2022 full-day pre-conference. Register today!

I’m presenting Master the Fundamentals of ADF at SQL Saturday Boston 7 Oct 2022. Register today!

Unable to make either of those events? Not to worry. Sign up today for Premium Level – All Recordings for 1 Year. Until 31 Aug 2022, use the coupon code “limitedtimediscount33” to save 33% at checkout!


Andy Leonard

Christian, husband, dad, grandpa, Data Philosopher, Data Engineer, Azure Data Factory, SSIS guy, and farmer. I was cloud before cloud was cool. :{>

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