It’s Biml 2018 Release Day!

Scott Currie and the team at Varigence announce the release of BimlFlex 2018, BimlStudio 2018, and BimlExpress 2018!

This much-anticipated release includes awesome features for experienced Biml professionals as well as for data engineers new to automating processes!

BimlFlex 2018

BimlFlex is a mature and complete data engineering automation framework. Out of the box, BimlFlex automates several data models, including:

  • Staging Database
  • Persisted Staging Area (ODS)
  • Raw Data Valut
  • Business Data Vault
  • Dimensional Data Warehouse
  • Data Marts
  • Cubes
  • Tabular

The benefits of BimlFlex:

  1. Flexible Data Framework
  2. Robust Metadata Mapping Tool
  3. Avoid Data Debt
  4. Shorter Delivery Times
  5. Simplified Maintenance
  6. Upfront Pricing


I absolutely love the BimlFlex Savings Calculator near the bottom of the page (click to enlarge)!

BimlStudio 2018

BimlStudio 2018 includes support for all Azure Data Factory (ADF) version 2 items (as of 06/20/2018). Which ADFv2 items does BimlStudio 2018 support?

  • Linked Services
  • DataSets, Sources, and Sinks
  • Pipelines and Activities (including control flow)
  • Triggers

Also included is support for BimlScript PreCompiled Assembly Package (BSPCAP) files, which include the preprocessed binary assets for all of the BimlScript files in your project.

BSPCAP promises faster processing – especially with large codebases – for builds in the interactive designer and for command line builds. I’m looking forward to learning more about this feature!

There are too many new features to list here – go to the BimlStudio 2018 page and check them all out!

BimlExpress 2018

Varigence keeps giving away cool stuff! Nowhere is Varigence’s commitment to community more evident than in the feature list for BimlExpress 2018. The previous version – BimlExpress 2017 – included the Preview Pane. BimlExpress 2018 includes the ability to Convert SSIS Packages to Biml:

How cool is that? And it’s in the free (FREE!) version!

As with BimlFlex and BimlStudio, there are too many cool features to list here. Head over to the BimlExpress 2018 feature page to learn more.

And Happy Biml’ing!


Andy Leonard

Christian, husband, dad, grandpa, Data Philosopher, Data Engineer, Azure Data Factory, SSIS guy, and farmer. I was cloud before cloud was cool. :{>

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