Azure-SSIS Express Custom Setup License Key Textbox Update

Back in June 2022, I was honored to deliver a webinar along with the good people on the SolarWinds Task Factory team. During that presentation, I noticed (and I may have even commented on) the License key textbox not being masked when adding Task Factory to an Azure-SSIS integration runtime. I sent a note to the …
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One Way to Create Login Credentials

In the age of password managers, like LastPass, I no longer remember passwords. Instead, my password manager remembers them for me. I’ve found another use for password managers: generating the username portion of a username-password login. When it’s time to create the credential, I use the LastPass plugin’s “Generate Secure Password” function: I copy the password …
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New Trusted Site Required when Connecting to Azure SQL DB

I got pinged about a new trusted site requirement when I tried to connect to Azure SQL DB this morning. is the URL. I added the URL to Internet Explorer’s Trusted Sites: I was then able to connect to Azure SQL DB and add a rule for my IP using SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS).