One Way to Create an Azure-SSIS IR in Synapse Analytics

On 17 Feb 2022, I first saw the Microsoft announcement of the public preview of Azure-SSIS integration runtimes in Azure Synapse Analytics. I blogged about the announcement in a post titled Azure-SSIS Integration Runtime now available in Azure Synapse Analytics. I am excited to share one way for you to provision an Azure-SSIS IR in …
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Azure-SSIS Integration Runtime now available in Azure Synapse Analytics

My friend Mark Kromer (LinkedIn) tagged me in a comment on a post from Nithesh Krishnappa (LinkedIn) announcing Azure-SSIS Integration Runtime now available in Azure Synapse Analytics. My first response was – and I quote – “WOO HOO!” It’s good to see SSIS getting some love. A couple years ago, someone claimed SSIS was dying. …
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One Way to Create an Azure Integration Runtime

Many Azure Data Factory developers recommend creating an Azure Integration Runtime for use with Mapping Data Flows. Why? One reason is you cannot configure all the options in the default AutoResolveIntegrationRuntime supplied when an Azure Data Factory instance is provisioned. At the time of this writing, it’s not obvious how one creates an Azure Integration …
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Free Webinar – The Azure Data Factory Controller Design Pattern – 28 Jun

Andy’s Summer-o’-ADF continues with another free (yes, FREE) webinar!   Abstract Join me as I begin to explore a brand new topic: Azure Data Factory Design Patterns. This first webinar in the series is titled The Azure Data Factory Controller Design Pattern. In this demo-tastic session I show how to apply the pattern described in …
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The Recording for Introduction to Lifting and Shifting SSIS to the Cloud is Now Available

  The recording of my free webinar – Introduction to Lifting and Shifting SSIS to the Cloud – is now available (registration required). Abstract How does an enterprise lift and shift SSIS projects from SSIS Catalogs on-premises to the Azure Data Factory Integration Runtime? What are the best practices? Do SSIS lifecycle management tools exist to …
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ADF Execute SSIS Package Activity

The good people who work on Azure Data Factory recently added an Execute SSIS Package activity. It’s pretty cool. Let’s tinker with it some, shall we? First, you will need to create an Azure Data Factory SSIS Integration Runtime. If you don’t know how, that’s ok – I’ve written a post titled Lift and Shift SSIS …
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Lift and Shift SSIS Part 1: Deploy Integration Runtime SSIS

What if I told you, “You can quickly and easily deploy Integration Runtime SSIS projects to Azure Data Factory?” You can! As shown in the image, you can simply right-click the SSIS project name in SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) Solution Explorer and click Deploy to deploy the project to the Azure Data Factory (ADF) …
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Lift and Shift SSIS Part 0: Creating the ADF Integration Runtime

Let’s face it: All the cool kids are playing in the cloud. And why wouldn’t they be? Microsoft Azure gets new features every week… sometimes every day! One shiny feature is Azure Data Factory Integration Runtime (ADFIR) which is new in Azure Data Factory version 2. In this post I will show you one way to …
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