Free Webinar – Use SSIS Catalog Compare to Lift and Shift SSIS to ADF

I’m excited to announce the next free webinar in the Summer-O’-ADF series: Use SSIS Catalog Compare to Lift and Shift SSIS to ADF! Consider… Your enterprise uses Microsoft SQL Server so the powers-that-be asked the good people at Microsoft to demonstrate the latest and greatest Azure coolness. Due to competition on cost and time to …
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SSIS Catalog Browser v0.6.4.0 Released

“There I was…” happy as a clam, rolling right along in my free webinar titled “Introduction to Lifting and Shifting SSIS to the Cloud” (you can view the recording if you missed it [registration required]). I opened Catalog Browser to show off this free utility from DILM Suite and “Guess what my code did?” “Exactly what you …
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SSIS Framework Community Edition Updates

SSIS Framework Community Edition – the free and open-source SSIS Catalog-integrated execution framework – has been updated! The code now includes: A script to set a Catalog Literal override configuring the Parent package’s SSISDB connection manager with the connection string for your target SSISDB database. A stored procedure called custom.execute_catalog_parent_package that will simplify Framework Application executions …
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