Join Me at the PASS Data Community Summit 2023!

I am honored to deliver Designing an Execution Framework for Azure Data Factory at the PASS Data Community Summit 2023 in Seattle Washington 15 Nov 2023 at 3:15 PM PT in room 6C! From the Abstract If your enterprise manages dozens of ADF pipelines, an execution framework is unnecessary overhead. If your enterprise manages thousands …
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AndyStream for 11 Nov 2021

Frank and I are on Day 8 of 1,000 days, a new thing we started 02 Nov 2021 to remind us time is not fungible and we should build – and stick to – atomic habits and systems of execution. This morning I popped on for a few minutes to thank our veterans and share …
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AndyStream for 9 Nov 2021

Frank and I are on Day 7 of 1,000 days, a new thing we started 02 Nov 2021 to remind us time is not fungible and we should build – and stick to – atomic habits and systems of execution. This morning I popped on for a few minutes to share information about the PASS …
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Wrapping Up 2020

It’s that time of year again; that time when bloggers and others share their thoughts about the year that was and the year to come. “2020 was ____.” I complete this sentence three ways, listed below. Feel free to add your thoughts in the comments. “Different” …is the first word that leaps to mind. The …
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My PASS Summit 2019 Presentations

SSIS DevOps and Azure Containers I was honored to co-present SSIS DevOps and Azure Containers with Sreeja Pullagura and Elizabeth Baron. Liz and Sreeja work for Teach for America, a really cool non-profit headquartered in NYC. This was their very first time presenting at the PASS Summit. We were even featured on PASStv! . You …
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PASS Summit 2019, Coming Down

During the PASS Summit 2019, Frank and I worked hard to deliver several DataDriven *DataPoint*’s.Here’s a list: *DataPoint* Andy is on the Way to Seattle for PASS 2019 *DataPoint* Andy Arrives at PASS 2019 *DataPoint* PASS 2019 Welcome Reception *DataPoint* Hanging Out with #SQLGeeks at PASS 2019 *DataPoint* Andy Speaks with SentryOne CEO Bob Potter …
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PASS Summit 2019 Presentations

SSIS DevOps and Azure Containers I am preparing for an exciting week in Seattle! This year I have the honor of co-presenting SSIS DevOps and Azure Containers with Elizabeth Baron and Sreeja Pullagura, two (really) smart architects who work together at Teach For America – an awesome non-profit in New York. Catch us Wednesday, 6 …
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Honored to Present Azure DevOps and the SSIS Development Lifecycle at the PASS Summit 2019!

I am honored to deliver Azure DevOps and the SSIS Development Lifecycle at the PASS Summit 2019! Abstract Data Integration Lifecycle Management – or DILM – is challenging regardless of your chosen data integration platform. The primary goal of this session is an explanation – via demonstration – of the production release of an SSIS …
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Dear Speaker, Your Time is Up

Peeves make lousy pets, but I own a few nonetheless. One of my pet peeves is speakers who run long when presenting at conferences. I’m not sure what the speakers are thinking. I can share a few things I’ve heard them say: “I must share this thing I didn’t get to yet, it’s n slides …
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PASS Summit 2018 Session Feedback

I was honored to participate in three presentations at the PASS Summit 2018. I delivered a full-day pre-conference session titled Intelligent Data Integration and another session titled Faster SSIS. I also participated on a panel titled BI & Data Visualization. A great big THANK YOU to everyone who attended my presentations! As I’ve shared (numerous …
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