Announcing the Fundamentals of Azure Data Factory Course!

I am excited to announce a brand new course (it still has that new course smell) from Brent Ozar Unlimited and honored to deliver it! This one-day, live, online course is titled Fundamentals of Azure Data Factory and it’s designed to introduce you to Azure Data Factory (ADF). There will be demos. Live demos. Lots …
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The Recording for Use SSIS Catalog Compare to Lift and Shift SSIS to ADF is Available

The recording for the Summer-O’-ADF webinar titled Use SSIS Catalog Compare to Lift and Shift SSIS to ADF is now available (registration required)! Abstract SSIS Catalog Compare facilitates DevOps for enterprise SSIS, saves time, improves code quality, and lifts and shifts SSIS projects to Azure Data Factory’s Integration Runtime. More than just an “Package / …
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DILM Suite + Azure Data Factory Integration Runtime

DILM Suite was designed to support enterprise data engineering / data integration with SSIS. But the solutions, utilities, and tools work well with Azure Data Factory Integration Runtime (ADF IR, or “SSIS in the cloud”). As I mentioned in my post titled The Cloud Costs Money, leaving ADF Integration Runtime running can get pricey – …
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The Recording for Designing a Custom ADF SSIS Execution Framework is Available

The recording the Summer-O’-ADF webinar titled Designing a Custom ADF SSIS Execution Framework is now available (registration required)! Enjoy! :{>  

Updates to Three DILM Suite Applications

It’s been a busy couple weeks here at Enterprise Data & Analytics in Farmville. I just published updates to not one, not two, but three – yes, three! – applications that are part of the Data Integration Lifecycle Management Suite, or DILM Suite. SSIS Framework Community Edition To prepare for Thursday’s (12 Jul 2018) webinar titled …
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100 Dumb Little Things

Software development is hard. It takes time, yes. But more than that, software development takes patience and thought and blood and sweat and love and tears. My friends at Varigence recently released an update to their Business Intelligence Markup Language (Biml) products. If you’re into business intelligence or data science, integration, or engineering, you should …
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SSIS Catalog Browser v0.6.4.0 Released

“There I was…” happy as a clam, rolling right along in my free webinar titled “Introduction to Lifting and Shifting SSIS to the Cloud” (you can view the recording if you missed it [registration required]). I opened Catalog Browser to show off this free utility from DILM Suite and “Guess what my code did?” “Exactly what you …
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The Recording for Introduction to Lifting and Shifting SSIS to the Cloud is Now Available

  The recording of my free webinar – Introduction to Lifting and Shifting SSIS to the Cloud – is now available (registration required). Abstract How does an enterprise lift and shift SSIS projects from SSIS Catalogs on-premises to the Azure Data Factory Integration Runtime? What are the best practices? Do SSIS lifecycle management tools exist to …
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